Exhibitor Covid Guidance

Covid Guidance for Exhibitors
As the organiser of Medical Technology Ireland, we are taking all reasonable measures to limit the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and are committed to providing a safe and secure event. From 6 September the Institute of Public Health in Ireland measures confirm that indoor events can take place with capacity limits of 60% of venue capacity where all patrons are immune (fully vaccinated or recovered from COVID-19 within previous 6 months) and we will operate strictly under this guidance.
We will be checking the COVID-19 status of all contractors, exhibitors and visitors on arrival at the event. Please be ready to show proof of your COVID-19 status at the Show Entrance.
You must NOT attend Medical Technology Ireland if:
- You are you feeling unwell, including a cough, fever, shortness of breath, headache, sore throat and blocked or runny nose and a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste.
- You are currently required to isolate following a visit to an area or country where quarantine is required upon return?
- You have you been told to self-isolate by a government test and trace service.
- Anyone in your household is displaying COVID-19 symptoms.
- You have you been in close contact with anyone who has COVID-19 or anyone who has been displaying symptoms.
All exhibitors must wear masks unless exempt.
All exhibitors must agree to leave the venue immediately should they develop COVID-19 symptoms during the event.
All exhibitors must agree to our safety guidance at the show.
Before the Event
- You or your staff should not attend the event if you are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19.
- Please check your government advice for guidance on travelling overseas before entering the country.
- Brief your team about the control measures above that will be implemented by us.
- Pay careful attention to all communication sent out from the Event team regarding the registration process as procedures may change.
- Consider conducting your pre-show onsite stand briefing in advance or online.
- To reduce queues on show days we have implemented a reduced contact registration system.
To support this:
- Exhibitors should pre-register all staff, and exhibitor badges should be picked up onsite at show registration from 14.30 on Tuesday 19 October or from 08.00 on 20 & 21 October. There will be contactless ticket collection points as well as manned desks
- We will be carrying out COVID-19 status checks throughout the build-up.
- Having these checks in place will allow you to consider your own protocols with regards to further mitigation measures which you should set once you have carried out your Risk Assessment. You can include the fact that COVID-19 status checks will be in place as part of your mitigation measures.
- Detailed information related to build-up is available in the exhibitor manual.
Stand layout
As an exhibitor, it is your responsibility to create a safe and secure environment on your stand throughout the duration of the show.
- Consider the layout and design of your stand to ensure you can undertake construction and visitor interaction in a safe and controlled manner.
- Consider all the stand design measures you can use to reduce transmission
- New innovative ways of displaying your product that will increase floorspace.
- Consider how you conduct demonstrations so that you can safely manage your audience.
- Order furniture that can be cleaned easily
At the Event
- Please carry your own hand sanitiser. There will be hand sanitising stations available on-site.
- Please provide hand sanitiser on your stand, for your staff/visitors. Encourage its use when anyone enters and leaves your stand space.
- Please implement regular cleaning of all spaces on your stand, ensuring a deeper clean before, during and after the show opens each day. Pay particular attention to high traffic touchpoints such as displays.
- A cleaning log positioned in a prominent location on your stand may be a useful way to capture and demonstrate the cleaning regime you have put in place.
- In collaboration with Galway Racecourse, we are conducting a thorough, enhanced cleaning regime of all features and public areas prior to show opening and during the show.
- When walking around the event, please remember that as we come back together some people will be more comfortable in the environment than others.
- Please give people space when you are walking past them.
- Check before initiating personal contact (consider elbow bumps rather than handshakes or hugs).
- Rather than exchanging business cards we encourage you to use data capture devices to ensure contact free sharing of business details - see Exhibitor Manual to order yours.
- As the industry builds itself back, remember different pressures people may be facing, please be kind to each other.
- Please do not offer shared bowls of snacks/treats even when individually wrapped.
- For the increased comfort of your buyers, consider arranging meetings in advance at less busy times.
Event facilities
- At Galway Racecourse no cash will be taken at catering outlets so all customers will need to have contactless payment methods available.
- We will be carrying out COVID-19 status checks throughout the break down.
- Please consider staff numbers and the amount of time required to break down your stand.
- Detailed information related to breakdown is available in the exhibitor manual.
Track & Trace
We are confident the measures that we and the venue will be putting in place will make our event as safe as possible. Please ensure you give accurate information throughout the registration process. The relevant local authorities will contact you if there's a need to update you regarding track and trace.
Last updated: 14 September 2021