Florian Stefanov

Florian Stefanov, Senior Medical Imaging Specialist, MET Technology Gateway
Dr Stefanov is a Biomedical Engineer and Technology Leader of the MET Gateway, with over 10 years' experience in the design and fabrication processes of patient-specific cardiovascular anatomical phantoms and human physiological conditions bench-top simulators, which replicate critical scenarios required for medical device prototypes validation and performance testing, and endovascular techniques optimisation for the treatment of heart failure, aneurysms, stroke, chronic total occlusions.
Additionally, he is an expert in medical data analysis and the application of computational techniques on the medical data. He has 13 peer reviewed publications and over 20 conference proceedings.
In 2015, he won 1st prize in the posters competition of the International Society for Vascular Surgery (ISVS), Athens, Greece, presenting a computational study on aortic arch aneurysms endovascular latest treatments.