Dr Tom Heseltine

Dr Tom Heseltine, Chief Technical Officer, Deeper Insights AI Ltd.
Tom has worked in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for 23 years. He has a first class honours degree and PhD from the University of York, where he developed novel 3D and 2D techniques for automated facial recognition. As Head of Research at Aurora-AI his team developed the world's most accurate face recognition algorithm, achieving Rank 1 in the prestigious LFW competition. As CEO at Aurora-AI, his company was responsible for some of the largest deployments of biometric technology, including those at Heathrow and Manchester Airports in the UK.
Following a successful acquisition of Aurora-AI, his career transitioned into the healthcare sector as Vice President of Artificial Intelligence for Vision RT, applying AI to Radiotherapy systems to enhance patient safety. As CTO, Tom is now responsible for technical development at Deeper Insights, applying Artificial Intelligence solutions to all data modalities across a broad range of industries.
Mobile: +44 7813 187 055
Email: tom.heseltine@deeperinsights.com