Ken Horan

Ken Horan

Ken Horan, Director of Technology Innovation & Entrepreneurship, IMR

As Director of Technology Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Ken is responsible for bridging the gap between the research and scaled business opportunities. Ken's experience includes 10+ years of technology research & industrial product development, he was CTO of technology start up and has led multiple teams in the delivery of mission critical development projects.

The paradigm of build, test, iterate has transformed the software world but is difficult to real-ize if your is product is physically manufactured. Costs of short manufacturing runs, design it-erations and logistical challenges can stack up, and these are often compounded by time and skill-set constraints within the start-up. Getting your first 100 units into customers hands in a deliberate and iterative way can enable early design insights and be the difference between scaled success and stagnation for a start -up. Here will discuss what can be done pre-scale, to close this gap and get to scale quickly with the right product.