Keltie Breakfast Briefing

Free Breakfast Briefing, hosted by Keltie

Wednesday 25 September 2024, 08.30 - 09.30

Location: Conference Theatre, 2nd Floor, Galway Racecourse

Sean Cummings, Patent and Trade Mark Attorney, Partner, Keltie LLP See speaker biography

Choosing 'should' from 'could' in IP - Making the right strategic choices when filing patents, trade marks and designs

A successful IP strategy demands informed choices at every stage, before filing applications and after. It's about picking what 'should' be done from the many things that 'could' be done: choosing the most commercial, the most patentable, the most distinctive and the least risky. And strategic choices like these continue through the IP lifespan: where to file; how to file there; how to enforce IP rights; and whether rights should eventually be abandoned.

In this briefing, Keltie's Galway-based team will apply their commercial experience to the world of IP to give real-world advice that's valuable for every MedTech innovator.

Breakfast is included

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